Class Syllabus


9th Grade Science     Ms. Belangia     Auburndale High School

Room N69


2011/2012 Science Class Syllabus


Welcome to our class. This year we will learn many science concepts that will help you understand basic scientific ideas and provide you with the building blocks necessary to continue your studies.


Please take the time to read the following information.  If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.  I look forward to sharing this exciting year with all of you!


Here are some of the highpoints and requirements for the year:



Students will need to bring to class daily:

  • Pencils or pens (blue or black ink)
  • Three ring binder, portfolio, or other bound notebook for taking notes in class
  • A great attitude towards learning!



  • Bell Work 5%
  • Classroom work 15%
  • Quizzes 20%
  • Homework 15%
  • Tests 30%
  • Hands on Activities 15%


Bell work (5%):

Students are to use the time between classes to visit the restroom, go to their locker (if it is the appropriate time), and go straight to their next class.  Upon entering the classroom, students should look on the board for their daily bell work assignment.  Students are to gather their materials and immediately begin working on their assignment.  Students are expected to have the assignment finished by the time the teacher is finished taking roll.  Bell work is NOT optional.

Classroom Work (15%)

Class participation is a must! Students will be asked to work on individual and group assignments throughout the year. It will be the students’ effort and willingness to participate, which will determine the student’s classroom work grade. The following will result in the student receiving a zero for that day’s classroom work grade:

·       Not having the required materials in class (pens/pencils paper, notebook)

·       Not participating during a hands on activity

·       Failure to take notes in class

Quizzes (20%)

Quizzes will typically consist of five to ten questions based on the week’s lesson.

Homework (15%)

Homework will involve some studying time and some written work. Homework cannot be made up unless a student was absent.

Tests (30%)

Tests will be given at the completion of a chapter or at Ms. Belangia’s discretion. As time allows, we will have a chapter review a day or two before the test; however, students will still be responsible for studying the material on their own.

Hands-on Activities (15 %)

Hands-on activities help enrich the materials covered in class. For this reason these types of activities will be scheduled as we cover the material in the book. When students work in groups, each individual student will still be responsible for their individual work, which will be collected at the end of the class period.

Attendance Policy

When a student is out of class, it is the students’ responsibility to get the make up work and/or assignments from the teacher at a time that does not disrupt class time. The amount of classes missed will determine how many days the student will have to complete the work missed per the school’s policies.

Important reminder:

If a student is not in class on the day that a quiz, hands-on activity, or test are given, the student is required to make up the missing work within one week or the grade for the missing work will be recorded as a zero. Students can only make up a work after school. Students who need to make up the work MUST schedule a time with Ms. Belangia to make up the work.

Contacting Ms. Belangia

The best way to contact Ms. Belangia is through the Polk County School Board e-mail.